Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, September 24, 2007

12 Weeks

Gareth is now 12 weeks old and that means my maternity leave has ended. Have to go back to work... sigh.

Look at that smile! That's what I miss when I'm at work.

Gareth can sit up if supported by pillows.

He also likes to watch TV!

11:06 PM | 0 comments


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

11 Weeks

Gareth is almost 11 weeks old. He is growing into a little darling that is always cheerful and seldom fussy. He can fall asleep on his own and can sleep about 4 hours or more at a stretch now. I am helping him exercise and strengthen his neck with some tummy time every night.

One happy baby!


Tummy time!

3:39 PM | 0 comments
